Due to the changing manufacturing and economic climate that now exists on some occasions it is necessary to relocate or close a manufacturing plants. At first his would seem an easy task, but the relocation or closure of a major plant requires considerable planning and organization. Some of the personnel that are not being relocated and being made redundant may not cooperate as well as they should, unions may also be involved which bring a further dimension to the task. When is the announcement to relocate or close and is it part of a restructure to source from overseas? Do you need to build stock prior to change over to the new supplier? The list goes on.
Very few people have the necessary skills and experience of relocating or closing a large manufacturing plant. We work with senior management prior and during relocation and /or closure to ensure the process is smooth and without problems. We can organize staff training for jobs searches and CV writing. We can also take over the production run down and management duties. Finally there is removal/disposal of confidential paper or data. Arrangement of asset relocation or auction for disposal, overseeing removal of auctioned items and then site clean up with handover to site new owners.
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